Cats in the News with Yoshi Smith

Hello people! Yoshi here with my monthly look at the latest cat news.

-Last week was April Fools Day and for some reason you humans love to include cats in your annual foolishness. Here’s an article about a couple of cat-related pranks:
Hmm. I actually like the Google keyboard for cats.

-I came across this article about the depiction of cats with flaming backpacks in 16th century German Manuscripts:
At first I thought that the cats in these drawings were wearing jetpacks. The truth is far less cool.

-Here’s a story from the UK about a cat who decided to stow away in a sofa:
Wait, this couple named this cat Crockett and their other cat Tubbs? There are people in England who name their cats after thirty year old television shows from other countries? Weird.

-In Portland, OR a 22 pound cat attacked a baby and then trapped the adults in their bedroom: I don’t know what that baby said to that cat to set him off but it must have been particularly insulting.